Adaptations of Sea Anemone

 Adaptations of Sea Anemone

  1.  Sea Anemone has an opening called oral disc where it feeds and produces waste.

  2.  Oral disc is surrounded by many stinging tentacles. These tentacles are used for capturing food and transferring it to its mouth.  They inject a dose of venom in the flesh of its prey.

  3. Tentacles are also used for defensive purposes

  4.  Sea Anemone has a sucker-like base which helps it to grip the sides of rocks. They prevent them from being swept away by water currents.

  5.  Anemones are anchored to one spot, this does not mean that it is 100% immobile.  Anemone can release itself and "swim" to a new location mostly using flexing motions.

  6.  Anemone can retract itself almost completely into its base, showing little to no tentacles.






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