Stationary and Stationery

Stationary and Stationery
Both stationary and stationery sound almost identical but they have different meanings.

The word stationary means ‘securely placed/fastened/ set/ fixed in one place and not moving’.

Stationary as Adjective
1)   They had to wait in stationary position for auditorium to open.
2)   The car collided with the stationary truck.
Stationary as Adverb
1)   They had to wait stationary for auditorium to open.
2)   The car remained stationary with the engine running.

The word stationery (with an e) means writing and other office supplies (e.g., pens, pencils, envelops, papers etc.)

Stationery as Adjective
1)   Who took out pen from my stationery cupboard.
2)   This year out stationery budget is 20% more than the previous year.

Stationery as Noun
1)   I asked the office boy to purchase the stationery.
2)   There is a discount of 50% on all office stationery in the new store.

Rewrite these sentences with the correct version (stationary/stationery):
1)   I bought new stationary / stationery for the thank-you note.
I bought new stationery for the thank-you note.

2)   On highway, a car crashed with a stationary / stationery truck.
On highway, a car crashed with a stationary truck.

3)   The economics of a stationary / stationery or declining population need to be more painful than those of an expanding one.
The economics of a stationary or declining population need to be more painful than those of an expanding one.

4)   The office stationary / stationery cupboard is like a sweet shop.
The office stationery cupboard is like a sweet shop.

5)   Militants asked the hostages to remain stationary / stationery.
Militants asked the hostages to remain stationary.

6)   They can claim for office stationary / stationery, travel cost and accommodation.
    They can claim for office stationery, travel cost and accommodation.

7)   Greeting cards are sold by all stationary / stationery shops in this area.
Greeting cards are sold by all stationery shops in this area.

8)       Polaris, the North Star appears stationary / stationery in the sky because it is positioned close to the line of Earth’s axis projected into space.
Polaris, the North Star appears stationary in the sky because it is positioned close to the line of Earth’s axis projected into space.

9)   He has a successful carrier as a printer of letterhead stationary / stationery.
He has a successful carrier as a printer of letterhead stationery.

10)  Corporation failed to supply stationary / stationery to 200 students within given timeline.
Corporation failed to supply stationery to 200 students within given timeline.

11)  Doctor encourages her to move the treadmill or stationary / stationery cycle in front of the television.
12)  Doctor encourages her to move the treadmill or stationary cycle in front of the television.

13)  Our group has less money available to spend on essential materials such as books and stationary / stationery.
14)  Our group has less money available to spend on essential materials such as books and stationery.

15)  Alongside the moving tram queues are stationary / stationery traffic queues.
16)  Alongside the moving tram queues are stationary traffic queues.

17)  The whole place was stationary / stationery with nothing moving at all.
18)  The whole place was stationary with nothing moving at all.

19)  There is a reception area, ten managers’ cabins, fifty cubicles, a stationary / stationery room and a pantry on this floor.
20)  There is a reception area, ten managers’ cabins, fifty cubicles, a stationery room and a pantry on this floor.


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