Lead Vs Led

Lead Vs Led

Lead means “to mark the way for” or “being ahead”. The past tense of the verb to lead is led.

ЁЯСЙ Confusion in choosing between lead and led comes in with the other word ‘lead’ (rhymes with bread), meaning “ a soft, grey heavy metal”. They have the same spelling but different meanings and different sounds.


Lead can be an adjective, noun, or verb.

Lead as a verb-

1) Go ahead and lead us to the garden.
2) I lead a miserable life.

Lead as a noun-

         1)   The class followed the teacher’s lead.
         2)   The runner had a lead of twenty yards.

Lead as an adjective-

        1)   You have been selected to be the lead tenor.
        2)   She has got the lead role in the movie.


The word led is always used as verb.
Led is the past tense and the past participle of the verb to lead

       1)   She took his hand and led him forward.
       2)   The steps down from the elevated station led onto Brighton Beach Avenue.

ЁЯСЙ In electronics LED is an abbreviation for light-emitting diode


Is the underlined word correct? If not, rewrite the correct sentence:

1)   He lead the team in foul.
He led the team in foul.

2)   She led her team to the state championship.

3)   He has lead the team to nationals five times in a row.
He has led the tea, to nationals five times in a row.

4)   Map will lead you to destination.

5)   I intend to led a better life.
I intend to lead a better life.

6)   He led a better life in past.

7)   Former Mayor leads in the latest polls.

8)   He led us to a safe place.

9)   Can you please led us to the tower?
Can you please lead us to the tower.

10)        Subhash Chandra Bose led the Azad Hind Fauj.

State whether the underlined word is a noun/verb/adjective:

1)   Lead the way, we will follow you.

2)   If you lead a group of people, you ride in front of them.

3)   He walks with a stick but still leads his soldiers into battle.

4)   Tom was in the lead role.

5)   She confessed to the killing and led police to his remains.

6)   All the doors that led to the yard were closed.

7)   He is leading in presidential race. So far he leads by five wins to two.

8)   England took a lead after 31 minutes.

9)   Big Stars are still in the lead in the opinion polls.

10)        Prime Minister gave a moral lead to the country in crisis.


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