Proverbs and Phrase Pairs

Proverbs and Phrase Pairs

Book worm  - Someone who likes reading very much

Queer fish - Someone who is slightly strange or crazy

Lion’s share - The largest part of something

Dead broke  - Having no money at all.

As fit as fiddle - To be very fit and well.

Again and again - Constantly or repeatedly.

Crocodile tears - If someone sheds crocodile tears, they seem sad, sorry, or upset, but they do not really feel this way

Face to face  - If two people are standing face to face, they are very close and are looking at each other

Give and take -  To help other people and do things for them as well as expecting them to do things for you

Pick and choose -   To choose only the best people or things

Kill two birds with one stone  - To achieve two things with one action

No pain,no gain  - You can only achieve something by suffering or working hard

When in Rome (, do as the Romans do) - When you are in a different place you should behave like the people who live there

Where there’s a will, there’s a way  -  If you really want to do something, you will find a way to succeed

Christmas comes but once a year - A phrase that defends enthusiastic celebrations of Christmas, on the basis that Christmas only happens once a year.

A friend in need is a friend indeed  -  A true friend offers help when one needs it most.

Excess of everything is bad  -This old proverb is a guide for doing any thing in moderation

Actions speak louder than words - Actions are more revealing of one's true character since it is easy to say things or make promises, but it takes effort to do things and follow through.

Might is Right  - Those who are powerful can do what they wish unchallenged, even if their action is in fact unjustified.

Barking dog seldom bites -  People who make themselves appear threatening rarely do any harm.

There’s no rose without a thorn  - There is rarely a good or positive thing, event, or circumstance that is not accompanied by something negative or unpleasant (i.e., just as a rose, which is beautiful, has harmful thorns).

As you sow, so shall you reap -  Your actions dictate the consequences.

Time and tide wait for no man -  The opportunities of life will pass you by if you delay in taking advantage of them.

Money doesn’t grow on trees  - You should not waste money

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