Charlotte's Web, Chapter-17 Uncle

Chapter- 17

Fill in the blanks with the correct word:
(cracks, spring, blatting, pickpockets, skim)
1.    “Watch out for pickpockets!” cautioned their father.
2.    He cracks weak jokes.
3.    Uncle was a spring pig.
4.    Mr. Zuckerman poured some skim milk into Wilbur’s trough.
5.  They could hear sheep blatting in their pens.

Answer these questions:
Q1.     How much money did Mr Arable gave to Fern and Avery? 
Ans- Mr. Arable gave two quarters and two dimes to Fern and five dimes and four nickles to Avery.

Q2.     What did Mr. Arable suggest Fern and Avery for not becoming sick to their stomach?
Ans- Mr. Arable suggested Fern and Avery not to eat a lot of stuff for not becoming sick to their stomach.

Q3.     Why did Mr. Arable let kids roam alone in the fair?
Ans- Mr. Arable let kids roam alone in the fair because he thought that kids had to grow up some time and a fair was a good place to start.

Q4.     Who was uncle?
Ans- Uncle was a pig in the pen next to Wilbur’s pigpen.

Q5.     How did Charlotte appear to Wilbur?
Ans- Charlotte appeared swollen and listless to Wilbur.

Q6.     What did Lurvy win?
Ans- Lurvy won an Indian blanket.

Write short note on:
Wilbur’s New Pigpen

Wilbur’s new pigpen was painted green. It had a sign ZUCKERMAN’S FAMOUS PIG. It was grassy and shaded from the sun by a shed roof. Wilbur was pleased with his new home.

State true or false:
1.   Uncle had a most unattractive personality. True
2.   Fern had a Barbie doll in her arms. False
3.   Avery had tied a balloon to his ear. True
4. Children stretched out and fell asleep after lunch. True


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