Charlotte's Web, Chapter-16 Off to the Fair

Chapter 16
Off to the Fair

Choose the correct option:
1.    Mr. Zuckerman lay in the bed dreaming about
a.    Ferris Wheel
b.   Genuine Navajo blanket
c.    Deep freeze unit
d.   Wilbur

2.    The night before the County Fair, all animals went to sleep early except;
a.    Wilbur
b.   The Old Sheep
c.    Charlotte
d.   Templeton

3.    Who offered to drive everybody to the Fair, including Wilbur?
a.    Mr. Zuckerman
b.   Mr. Arable
c.    Mrs. Arable
d.   Lurvy

4.    What do Zuckermans wash Wilbur with before the fair?
a.    Soap and Water
b.   Buttermilk
c.    Vinegar
d.   Yoghurt

5.    Who washed Wilbur with buttermilk before the fair?
a.    Lurvy
b.   Homer
c.    Edith
d.   Avery

6.    Who asked Wilbur to resist when people try to put Wilbur in crate?
a.    Charlotte
b.   The old Sheep
c.    Fern
d.   Goose

Fill in the blanks:
(paraded, crouched , blazing, errands, poked)
1.    Charlotte crouched and made herself as small as possible.
2.    The rat poked his head up through the straw.
3.    Goslings paraded round and round their mother.
4.    Templeton’s eyes were blazing, listening about the food spilled over at a fair.
5.    Charlotte needed somebody to run errands and do general work.

Unscramble these words:
AIFR  -        FAIR

State whether the following sentences are true or false:
1.    Everybody went to the bed early, the night before the county fair.  True 
2.    Everybody got up at daylight when the morning came. True
3.    Templeton hid himself in the knothole. False
4.    The ladies rode in the back of the truck. False

Answer the following question:

Q1.       What did Mr. Zuckerman dream about Wilbur?
Ans- Mr. Zuckerman dreamt that Wilbur had grown until he was one hundred and sixteen feet long and ninety-two feet high and that he had won all the prizes at the Fair.

Q2.       Why did all the animals at farm sleep early, the night before the County Fair?
Ans- All the animals slept early, the night before the County Fair because they planned to get up early to see Wilbur off on his great adventure.

Q3.       Which animals accompanied Wilbur to the fair?
Ans- Charlotte and Templeton accompanied Wilbur to the fair.

Q4.       Where did Charlotte hide herself in the crate?
Ans- Charlotte hid herself inside a knothole in the top board.

Q5.       Why did Lurvy nail some boards across the end of crate?
Ans- Lurvy nailed some boards across the end of crate so that Wilbur couldn’t back out.

Q6.       Who rode in the back of the truck?
Ans- Mr. Zuckerman, Lurvy, Fern and Avery rode in back of the truck.


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