Charlotte's Web, Chapter-12 A Meeting

Chapter 12
A Meeting

Choose the correct option:
1.    Who called for the meeting of all the animals?
a.   Charlotte
b.   Goose
c.    Oldest Sheep
d.   Wilbur

2.    Who suggested the word 'Terrific' for the web?
a.    Templeton
b.   Goose
c.    Wilbur
d.   Fern

3.    Who entered the barn creeping along close to the wall?
a.    Charlotte
b.   Goose
c.    Templeton
d.   Wilbur

Fill in the blanks:
(meeting, unususal, directors’, print)
1.    People believe almost anything they see in print.
2.    The spider called for a meeting of all the animals.
3.    Zuckerman thinks Wilbur is an unusual pig.
4.    ‘We’re holding a directors’ meeting.’ Replied the old sheep

Unscramble these:

State whether the following statements are true or false:
1.    The message Charlotte wrote had not been received by the Zuckermans. False
2.    Charlotte was sure that Templeton will be willing to help. False
3.    The old sheep was sure to get help from Templeton. True
4.   Wilbur’s left-over food was Templeton’s chief source of supply. True

Answer the following question:
Q1.       Where did the Charlotte call for the meeting?
Ans- Charlotte called for the meeting in the barn cellar.

Q2.       Why did Charlotte called for the meeting?
Q3.       Charlotte called for the meeting to get new ideas for the web.

Q4.       Who suggested to get the help from Templeton?
Ans- The oldest sheep suggested to get help from Templeton.

Q5.       Who entered the barn creeping along close to the wall?
Ans- Templeton entered the barn creeping along the wall.

Q6.       In what way, the destiny of Templeton was closely linked to that of wilbur?
Ans- Wilbur's left-over food was Templeton's food therefore  the destiny of Templeton was closely linked to that of wilbur.

Q7.       "Well, we all are here except the rat." Who said these words and to whom?
Ans- "Well, we all are here except the rat." Charlotte said these words to all other animals.


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