Class-7 English Reader (Special) Revision Exercises III / MP Board

Revision Exercises III

Answer the following questions:
  1. How did the rats make the people uncomfortable?
Ans- Rats made the people uncomfortable by eating up their grains, flour, bread and cheese. They were found in their shoes, has, pockets and even cradles of babies.

  1. How did the Pied Piper punish the people of Hamelin?
Ans- The Piper punished the people of Hamelin by shutting up all the children of town in a mountain.

  1. How many slaves were employed in building the Great Pyramid?
 Ans- In building the Great Pyramid, one lakh slaves were employed.

  1. What was ancient Egypt famous for? What was its greatest glory?
Ans- Ancient Egypt was famous for its art and civilization. It’s greatest glory was, the pyramids.

  1. What do hieroglyphics mean?
Ans- Hieroglyphics is a kind of picture writing in which pictures or symbols are drawn to represent objects and ideas.

  1. Where did Radha carry her curds to?
Ans- Radha carried her curds to Mathura fair.

  1. Why did Akbar punish Tansen’s enemies?
Ans- Akbar punished Tansen’s enemies as they conspired to kill Tansen.

  1. How did Tansen come into contact with Swami Haridas?
Ans- Tansen came into contact with Swami Haridas when he was travelling with his disciples through the forests.

  1. What is an alphabet? How is it a better system than picture writing?
Ans- An alphabet is a collection of letters. It is a better system than picture writing because each alphabet represents a sound and in most of the languages, the letters of alphabet are never more than fifty, but several thousand words can be made from them.

  1. Why did the Pied Piper look very strange?
Ans- The Pied Piper looked very strange as he dressed in red and yellow, he had a pipe in his hand, he was as thin as a starved rat, his nose was crooked, his eyes were sharp and blue, he had no beard and the smile on his lips went out and in.

Encircle the odd one:
  1. Diwali,            Id,                    Monday,         Holi
  2. flour,               wheat,            bread,             vegetable
  3. dollar,             pound,           rupees,           cheque
  4. girl,                  lady,                man,               woman
  5. lecturer,          professor,      teacher,          postman

Find the opposites of the words listed below from the words given in the box and write them:           
possible,  life,  ancient,  wise,  difficult

  1. modern          ancient
  2. easy                difficult
  3. impossible     possible
  4. fool                 wise
  5. death              life

Punctuate the following lines using /./,/;/’/?/ and capital letters as required:
Does the road wind uphill all the way?
Yes, to the very end.
Will the day’s journey take the whole long day?
From morn to night, my friend.

Fill in the blank spaces with suitable adverbs given below:
logically, very, clearly, highly, easily

Our new English teacher is very sincere. She is highly qualified and explains every thing logically and clearly. All the students understand easily whatever she explains.

Describe in your own words the look and the dress of the Pied Piper.

Ans- The Pied Piper looked very strange; he dressed in red and yellow, he had a pipe in his hand, he was as thin as a starved rat, his nose was crooked, his eyes were sharp and blue, he had no beard and the smile on his lips went out and in.

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