Class-7 English Reader (Special), Lesson-17 The Pied Piper of Hamelin-II / MP Board

The Pied Piper of Hamelin- II

Answer these questions:
  1. What suggestions would Ravi and Ashok have offered the Mayor for getting rid of rats?
Ans- Ravi and Ashok would have offered the Mayor to make thousands of rat traps, poisoning the rats and plugging the rat holes.

  1. Why did the Mayor not get the rats poisoned?
      Ans- The Mayor did not get the rats poisoned because it was not possible without     getting the people also poisoned. In Hamelin no one could eat food before rats had tsted it.

  1. What did the Mayor promised the Pied Piper?
     Ans- The Mayor promised the Pied Piper to pay a thousand Guilders in cash.

  1. Why did the Pied Piper look very strange?
   Ans- The Pied Piper looked very strange as he dressed in red and yellow, he had a pipe in his hand, he was as thin as a starved rat, his nose was crooked, his eyes were sharp and blue, he had no beard and the smile on his lips went out and in.

  1. What did the Pied Piper do with the rats?
Ans- The Pied Piper led all the rats to the river Weser where they all drowned.

  1. Why was the Pied Piper disappointed?
Ans- The Pied Piper was disappointed because Mayor denied to pay him the promised money after getting the work done.

  1. How did the Piper punish the people of Hamelin?
     Ans- The Piper punished the people of Hamelin by shutting up all the children of town in a mountain.

  1. Was it right for the Mayor to deny the Piper his due? Why?
     Ans- It was not right for the Mayor to deny the Piper his dues because the piper did the promised job and he deserved the mony righfully.
Tick the correct option:
1)    People wanted to get rid of
a)    the Mayor          b) the rats              c) the councilors
Ans- the rats

2)    All the carpenters worked to
a)    mend and make traps         b) plug holes     c) give poison to the rats
Ans- mend and make traps

3)    The Mayor made a
a)    rash promise     b) good promise               c) wrong promise
Ans- wrong promise

4)    The Pied Piper was dressed in
a)    red and yellow  b) blue and black              c) fine clothes
Ans- red and yellow

Read the following sentences and tick true (T) or false (F):
  1. People liked the rats. (F)
  2. Dogs ate up all the rats. (F)
  3. The Pied Piper sang a tune and led all the rats to the river. (T)
  4. The Mayor was not honest. (T)
  5. The Pied Piper was disappointed.(T)

Fill in the blank spaces choosing the correct words from those given below:
deny,    army,    cash,    tune,    deserve,    suggest
1-    Mahesh played a charming tune on a flute.
2-    First deserve, then desire.
3-    Indian army is one of the best armies of the world.
4-    I can accept money either in cash or by cheque.
5-    You always suggest for my welfare.
6-    Always try to keep your promise. Never deny them.

Encircle the odd one:
1.    guitar, pipe, sitar, radio
2.    rose, marigold, jasmine, road
3.    girl, lady, woman, man
4.    lecturer, professor, postman, teacher
5.    dollar, pound, rupee, cheque
6.    milk, tea, bread, coffee

Write ten meaningful sentences from the table given below:

My friend
a table
a chair
his clothes
his shirt
his hair
his wound
his bicycle
his house
a photograph
of his child
made for his drawing
cut by barber
dressed by a doctor
rebuilt in stone
taken by a friend of his
1-    He had a table made for his drawing.
2-    He had a chair mended.
3-    He had his clothed washed.
4-    Rahim had his shirt washed.
5-    Rahim had his hair cut by barber.
6-    Rahim had his wound dressed by a doctor.
7-    My friend had his bicycle cleaned.
8-    My friend had his bicycle repaired.
9-    My friend had his house whitewashed.
10- My friend had a photograph of his child taken by a friend of his.

Rewrite the five sentences given below into passive voice as given in the first example:

  1. The policeman asked me many questions.
Passive- I was asked many questions by the policeman.

  1. The next day they found the owner of the ring.
Passive- The owner of the ring was found by them the next day.

  1. He asked me many more questions.
Passive- I was asked many more questions by him.

  1. He told me it was a very expensive ring.
Passive- I was told by him that it was a very expensive ring.

  1. The owner of the ring gave me the reward two days later.
Passive- I was given the reward two days later by the owner of the ring.

Describe in your own words the look and dress of the Pied Piper.
Ans- The Pied Piper looked very strange; he dressed in red and yellow, he had a pipe in his hand, he was as thin as a starved rat, his nose was crooked, his eyes were sharp and blue, he had no beard and the smile on his lips went out and in.


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