Class-2 Sp. English, Lesson-5 In the Park / MP Board

In the Park

Match the opposite words and genders:

(i)  Boy                                                                          Girl
(ii) Outside                                                                   Inside
(iii)    Son                                                                      Daughter
(iv)    Clean                                                                   Dirty
(v)Up                                                                            Down
(vi)    Woman                                                                Man

Answer the following questions:
(i)  Who went to the park?
Ans- Mr. Ramesh Chandra and Mrs Renu Chandra went to the park.

(ii) Who went with them?
Ans- Their son and daughter went with them.

(iii)    Where was the fruit shop?
Ans- The fruit shop was outside the park.

(iv)    Where were the boys and girls playing?
Ans- The boys and girls were playing in the park.

(v)Who were sitting on the bench?
Ans- Old people were sitting on the bench.

(vi)    How should we keep the park?
Ans- We should keep the park clean.

Add un- to form the opposites:

Read the following passage carefully:
Once there lived a man named Ramlal. His neightbour was Shyamlal. Ramlal was happy but Shyamlal was sad. Ramlal’s house was big but dirty. Shyamlal’s house was small and clean. Ramlal had a rabbit which ran fast. Shyamlal has a tortoise which ran slow.

Now fill in the blanks with the words choosing from those given in brackets:
(i)  Ramlal was a happy man. (happy, sad)
(ii) Shyamlal’s house was small and clean. (clean, dirty)
(iii)    Ramlal’s house was big but dirty. (dirty, clean)
(iv)    Shyamlal had a tortoise which ran slow. (fast, slow)
(v)Ramlal had a rabbit which ran fast. (fast, slow)
Arrange the letters to make meaningful words and write the opposite words/ genders in the blanks.
(i)  Irlg                                        girl                                              boy
(ii) Das                                      sad                                             happy
(iii)    Uyb                                  buy                                            sell
(iv)    Cnael                               clean                                         diry
(v)Nos                                      son                                            daughter

Fill in the blanks with the opposites of the underlined words:
(i)  Once there lived a man and his son.
     Once there lived a woman and her daughter.

(ii) A tiger runs fast.
     A crocodile runs slow.

(iii)    He is very happy.
     He is very sad.

(iv)    Her uniform is very clean.
     His uniform is very dirty.

(v)There is a big shop outside the hotel.
     There is a small shop inside the hotel.

Find the five differences in the two pictures A and B.
            Picture A                            Picture B
(i)  Sun                                     Birds
(ii) Boys                                    Girls
(iii)    Tree                                  Trees
(iv)    Duck                                Ducks
(v)Man                                     Women


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