Grade-3 Social Science Worksheet-3

Social Science Worksheet-3
You visit a town where people worship the sun and celebrate harvest festivals. What can you understand about their community history?
·        They loved to eat                          (   )
·        They used to live in a cold place  (   )
·        They were originally farmers        (   )

While digging to make the foundation of a house, the workers found some clay pots, wooden jewellery, wooden spoons, and tools.
 What does this tell about the communities past?
·        They did not use metal                 (   )
·        They laughed brown things          (   )
·        That did not make handicrafts      (   )

Find out if your parents and grandparents had the following facilities.

 Tape record

 Mobile Phone

 Computer lab in school

 McDonald's restaurant

 Video Game Parlour

Cooking gas


 Tourist Bus Stand

 Mall / Multiplex

Make a word web and list the possible reasons why people came and settle in your neighbourhood/ town. (Consider its location,  resources,  climate and any other factors you can think of.)

Answer the following questions:
Q. what is a joint family?
 Ans- ____________________________________________________


Q. List ways in which you can find out about the history of your neighbourhood.
Ans- ___________________________________________________





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