Grade-3 Social Science, Chapter-9 Communication

Chapter 9
Topic:  Communication

Section A
Write one word for:
1.   The process of sending and receiving messages
2.   Media for communication- letters, email, phones
3.   Reaction or reply to a message

 What can you use to communicate? write in the mind map below.
What is it?
·        A message written on a cloth that is rolled up - Scroll
·        A letter sent via the internet-  email
·        A text message sent from a cell phone-  SMS (Short Message Service)
·        Characters of letters used to write-  script
·        Up post system of the US in which mail was transported on Horseback-  Pony Express
·        A bird used to send messages- Pigeon

 Match the columns
 Alexander Graham Bell
  Printing Press
 Cell Phone
 Thomas Edison
 John Baird
  www (World Wide Web)
 Tim Berners-Lee
 Martin Cooper
  Talking Motion Picture

  Printing Press
 Alexander Graham Bell
 Thomas Edison
 Talking Motion Picture
 John Baird
 Tim Berners-Lee
www (World Wide Web)
 Martin Cooper
 Cell Phone

Answer the following
Q. Write the meaning of following terms in your notebook.
   Sender, Receiver, Communication channel, Mass Communication
Sender  -
The person who sends the message is called sender.

 The person who receives the message is called receiver

Communication Channel -
Channel is the media through which the message is sent. For example- face-to-face talk, telephones, letters, internet email, voicemail etc.

Q. How did people communicate in Prehistoric Times?
Ans- In Prehistoric times people communicated using:
1.    noises like animals
2.    movements and gestures
3.   Drawing
4.    smoke signals
5.    flashing lights
6.    beating of drums

Q. List the different ways mail was sent in the past.
Ans- In the past, mail was sent in following different ways:
1.    Through  messenger or travellers
2.    Birds such as pigeons
3.    Mailmen who took letters to different places on horseback

Can you identify these means of communication?

Section B

Captain Orb and StarStruck are having a conversation. Look at it and answer the questions.
Captain Orb : Where are you going to fly in your spaceship?
Orb :  As soon as I repair it.
Captain Orb :  I hope it will be soon. I want to visit Mars and see if Martians exist.

1.    Who is the sender of the first message?
a.   Captain Orb ()
b.   StarStruck

2.    Who is the receiver of the first message?
a.   Captain Orb
b.   Starstruck ()

3.    What is the channel of communication? Select the correct answer.
a.   Telephone
b.   Mail
c.   Face-to-face ()

4.    What feedback did Captain Orb give to starstruck?
Ans- Captain Orb’s feedback to StarStruck was that he wanted to visit Mars and see if Martians exist.

Classify the following:

 Write ‘M’ for Mass Communication and ‘I’ for Individual Communication.
·        Television- [M]
·        Cell phone/ Mobile - [I]
·        Radio - [M]
·        Telephone ( landline)- [I]
·        Newspaper- [M]
·        Letters and postcards - [I]
·        Magazines - [M]
·        Cinema - [M]
·        Books- [M]
·        Email - [I]
·        Website - [M]

Some communication is verbal - it involves the use of words, and some is not. Identify which of the following are ways to communicate verbally and nonverbally and write them in the correct column.
Drawing,  written communication,  gestures,  phone conversation,  newspaper,  smile,  slap,  voicemail,  radio,  animation,   circular

Verbal communication
Non verbal communication
written communication,  phone conversation,  newspaper, voicemail,  radio,  circular
drawing,  gestures,  smile,  slap,  animation

What can be communicated through the means of communication assigned to you?  write all possible ideas in the word wall below.

A complement it is a nice and friendly thing to say to someone.
When you get a compliment, Give one back! Write a complement that you could say back to each of these people.

Your grandmother says: You are so nice!
You say back:  Thanks, you are a very good cook, Grandma.

Your teacher says:  It's nice to have you in my class.
You say back: Thanks, I am blessed to have a teacher like you.

Your mother says : You look nice today.
You say back : Thanks, Your choice  of clothes for me is wonderful.

Which of the following is the best way to give a compliment?
·        Email
·        Face-to-face ()
·        Telephone

Section C
Imagine the situations and answer the following……

a.            what do you think would happen if StarStruck was not able to communicate with Captain Orb?
Ans- If StarStruck was not able to communicate with Captain Orb,  they were never good friends.

b.   Your best friend has moved to the US. How would you communicate with him or her?  List all the possible ways.
Ans-  if my best friend moves to the US,  I would communicate with him in following ways:
1- Email
2- Voicemail
3- Chatting via WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger
4- Video calling via Google Duo or Facebook Messenger

(c) Let's sit in my time machine and go back thousands of years when people could not speak or write. How would you Express yourself in the given situation?
Situation: You want food and water as you are hungry and thirsty.
I would communicate by: making drawings of food and water

Communication changes from person to person and according to the situation.
Different people have different things to communicate. What do you think the following people will have to communicate.

Journalist to readers:
Effect of new policies of government on the common man.

Teacher to students:
Verbal and non-verbal modes of communication.

School Principal to parents:
Changes in the academic and non-academic program of the school and expectations from parents.

Businessman who has new products to offer possible customers:
Features of the new product and discount available for early birds.

Which is the best way to communicate to the following people?

a.            An aunt in your native place ( village)
Communication via cell phone
b.    Your school Principal
Face-to-face communication
c.    An audience across India
Radio/ television/ newspapers

Section D
Using the website, Find out more about the history of communication and in the space below, draw a timeline to show it. You may illustrate it or write it. You may include additional inventions such as cable television, colour television and pagers.
Find out and write in your notebook.
Today, Smartphones are becoming increasingly popular. They have ‘Apps’.

Q. What are Apps?
Ans- Apps are software applications developed specifically for the use on smartphones and tablets.

Q. Name three apps that help you to communicate.
Ans- Following are three apps that help us to communicate:
1-   WhatsApp
2-   SnapChat
3-   Telegram

Section E

Q.  What is communication?
Ans-  Communication is the sharing of message or information between two or more people.

Q. Describe how communication happens?
Ans- Communication happens when people talk, call up,write to someone etc. In communication, there is sending and receiving of messages, ideas and information in various ways.

Q. What are channels of communication?
Ans- Following are the channels of communication:
1- Face-to-face talk
2- Telephone (landline and cell phones)
3- Internet, e-mail
4- Letters
5- Voice mail etc.

Q. What are the two types of communication? Give examples of each.
    Write the difference between Individual Communication and Mass Communication.

Individual Communication
Mass Communication
When a message is sent to just one or two persons,it is called individual communication.
When a message is sent to public, it is called mass communication.
Telephone, letters, email, sms and fax are examples of individual communication.
Newspapers, magazines, televisions, cinemas, radio and internet are examples of mass communication.

Q. What are the two modes of communication? Give examples of each.
   Write difference between Non-Verbal Communication and Verbal Communication.

Non-Verbal Communication
Verbal Communication
Communication that does not use words are called non-verbal communication.
Communication that involves words is called as verbal communication.
Smoke signals, flashing of lights and beating of drums are examples of non-verbal communication.
Face-to-face talk, telephones, letters, e-mails are examples of verbal communication.

Q. Name some inventions that the history of communication.
Ans-  following are the inventions that changed the history of communication:
1.   printing press
2.   Telephone
3.   Radio
4.   talking Motion Picture (movie/ film)
5.   Television
6.   Arpanet (first internet, only in the US)
7.   Email
8.   cell phone (network)
9.   world wide web

Q. Which invention aided:
·  In the printing of books, magazines, newspapers, etc.
Printing press
·  Direct contact between two people
Telephone, cell phone network, email
·  The development of mass media
Radio, television, world wide web


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