Grade-3 Social Science, Chapter-10 Pollution

Chapter 10
Topic:  Pollution

Section A

Label the pictures with the type given.
(land pollution,  water pollution,  noise pollution,  air pollution)

Complete the paragraph.

Pollution is the contamination of the natural environment. There are many types of pollution, but principally we have four. air pollution, water pollution, land pollution and noise pollution.
The causes of air pollution are the vehicles, smoke from factories or airplanes. Water pollution is caused due to oil waste and industrial waste. Land pollution is the consequence of throwing industrial or home waste and causes of noise pollution are horns of cars and even speaking loudly.

Section B

Q. List any three ways in which you can help to prevent air pollution.
Ans- Three ways to prevent air pollution are as follows:
1.   Plant more trees to absorb impure air.
2.   Use CNG for commercial vehicles.
3.   Do not burn crackers.

Q. List any three ways in which you can help to prevent noise pollution.
Ans- Three ways to prevent noise pollution are as follows:
1.   Avoid honking unnecessarily in traffic.
2.   Reduce the volume of public address system.
3.   Do not watch television or listen to music in loud volume.

Section C

Q. What do you think would happen if all plants on the Earth started to die due to pollution? How would it affect us?
Ans- Plants give off oxygen. This gas is used by animals to breathe. All animals eat either plants or plant-eating animals. Without plants there will be no oxygen and food for animals and they will also die.  

In the box given below plan a poster on the topic Me and My Environment. Think of a catchy slogan and write on the poster (for example: Be a Part of The Solution Not Part Of The Pollution, Green revolution is the best solution to stop pollution)

Section D

Q. List any three ways by which you can prevent water pollution and save water.
Ans-  Following are three ways by which you can prevent water pollution and save water:
1.   Harmful industrial waste should be treated before throwing into water bodies.
2.   Sewage should be treated and purified before allowing it to enter the water bodies.
3.   Treated water of industries should be used for irrigation purpose.

Section E

Q. Mention two steps which can help to control
          Air Pollution        Soil Pollution
Ans- Steps to Control Air Pollution-
1)   Plant more trees to absorb impure air.
2)   Use better quality of petrol and diesel.
      Steps to Control Soil Pollution-
1)   Discourage excessive use of fertilizers and pesticides.
2)   Do not mix the waste containing chemicals into soil.

Q. What is noise pollution?
Ans- Excessive noise that is harmful to health and affects environment quality is called pollution.

Q. Name two diseases caused by water pollution.
Ans- Two diseases caused by water pollution are:
1)   Cholera
2)   Typhoid


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