Class-3 Sp. English, Lesson-17 A Sailor's Story-II / M.P. Board

A Sailor’s Story-II
 (M.P. Board, Special English)

Give one word for the following:
  1. land near the sea                                                                 - coast
  2. mark on a surface by a persons foot                                - footprints
  3. a piece of land that is completely surrounded by water - island
  4. a small pond                                                                         - pool
  5. the land along the edge of the sea                                   - shore
  6. a person on a ship who attacks other ships at sea in order to steal- pirate
  7. An occasion when people sit down to eat food              - meal
  8. a hard bony part that grows in pairs on the head of some animals- horn

Write opposites of following words:

            bright                          -                       dull
            rocky                           -                       plain
            high                            -                       low
            big                               -                       small
            hot                              -                       cold
            good                           -                       bad
            kind                            -                       cruel
            friend                          -                       enemy
            long                            -                       short
            first                              -                       last

Match the words in column A with the pictures in column B:

Match the words in column A with the meanings in column B:

land near the sea
a number of people together
a sweet, sticky, yellow substance made by bees
It is not a fish, but lives in the sea and has a shell
full of rocks
Answer the following questions:

  1. The sailor woke up in bright day. Where was he?
Ans- The sailor woke up in bright day. He was on an island.

  1. What was the first meal of the sailor on the island?
Ans- Shellfish was the first meal of the sailor on the island.

  1. Who came to the island one night?
Ans- Pirates came to the island one night.

  1. What did he find in the pirates boat?
Ans- He found gold, silver, jewels, lots of bread and butter, jars of honey and plenty of water on the pirates boat.

  1. The sailor reached home. Who come to see him?
Ans- The sailor reached home. Neighbours and friends came to see him.

  1. What did he tell his neighbour?
Ans- He told the stories of his life on the island to his neighbours.

Read the following sentences. Some of these are right and some are wrong, in place of wrong ones, give the right ones:

  1. The sailor saw many kinds of animals on the island.    [true]
  2. He did not get any food on his first day on the island.  [true]
  3. He never cooked his food.                                            [false]
(He used to cook his food in a corner of his hut.)
  1. He ate shellfish, fish, meat and roots.                           [true]
  2. There was no rain on the island.                                   [false]
(It rained now and then on the island)
  1. He used the horns of the wild goat to fight against the pirates. [false]
(He used the horns of the wild goat to dig the roots)
  1. He had a calendar to tell him the dates.                           [false]
(He did not have a calendar to tell him the dates.)
  1. He got away on the pirates’ boat.                                     [true]
  2. The pirates ran after him.                                                  [false]
(Pirated were sleeping when he sailed the boat away.)
  1.  Some fishermen brought him back to his country.        [true]
  2. His grand father was happy to see him.                          [true]
  3.  His neighbours and friends found the stories of his life on the island interesting.                                                                        [true]

The words describing noun are called as adjectives.

  1. I woke up in bright daylight.
  2. I climbed up a high rock.
  3. I was on a small island.
  4. This island was hot.
  5. I found some shellfish on the seashore.

List at least 10 adjectives that have occurred in the lesson.

  1. bright
  2. rocky
  3. high
  4. small
  5. dry
  6. hot
  7. big
  8. good
  9. wild
  10. quietly
 How did the sailor prepare his food when he was on the island? Write in five sentences.

Sailor used to catch fishes from a pond. He used to dig roots with the horns of wild goat. He used to catch shellfishes from the sea. He ate wild goat also. He used to cook food in a corner of his hut.


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