Class-3 Sp. English, Lesson-5 Monday's Child is Fair of Face/ MP Board

Monday’s Child is Fair of Face
(M.P. Board, Special English)

Give the meanings of following words:

            Word                                      Meaning                                                       
            Woe                                        very bad or serious
            grace                                      polite and kind behaviour
            Sabbath                                 The holy day of the week that is used for
resting and worshipping God
            blithe                                      happy
            gay                                          happy and full of fun

Give the adjective form of following words:

            Nouns                                   Adjectives                                                   
            woe                                         woeful
            grace                                      graceful
            force                                       forceful
            harm                                       harmful
            law                                          lawful
            peace                                     peaceful
            thought                                  thoughtful
            taste                                        tasteful
            use                                         useful

Complete the word puzzle with the help of clues given:

1.    being happy and full of fun
2.    putting a lot of effort or energy into an activity
3.    being very pretty and attractive
4.    feeling happy, not worried
5.    being very bad and serious
6.    being very polite and kind in behaviour

Fill in the blanks with the suitable words:

1.    There are seven days in a week.
2.    Sunday is the first day of the week.
3.    Friday comes between Thursday and Saturday.
4.    Tuesday comes after Monday.
5.    Wednesday comes before Thursday.
6.    Saturday is the last day of the week.

Answer the following questions:

  1. What does the poet think about Tuesday’s child?
Ans- The poet thinks that the Tuesday’s child is full of grace.

  1. What does the poet think about the child born on Friday?
Ans- The poet says that the child born on Friday is loving and giving.

  1. What does he say about the child born on the Sabbath Day?
Ans- He says that the child born on the Sabbath Day is bonny, blithe, good and gay.

Write the names of months in which the following festivals fall:

  1. The Independence Day                              August
  2. Gandhi Jayanti                                             October
  3. Teacher’s Day                                              September
  4. Children’s Day                                              November
  5. Christmas                                                      December
  6. The Republic Day                                        January   Back to Table of Contents
