Class-3 Sp. English, Lesson-1 The Six Wise Men / MP Board

The Six Wise Men
(M.P. Board, Special English)


Give the meanings of following words:

Accident                    an unpleasant event
Journey                     an act of traveling from one place to another
Wise                           able to make sensible decision
Drowned                    to die because one has been under water too long and can
                                    not breathe
Missing                      that can not be found
Foolish                       not showing good sense of judgment

Give the past and past participle form of following words:

            Present                      Past                            Participle                  
            get                               got                               got
            ask                              asked                         asked
            swim                           swam                          swum
            count                          counted                     counted
            drown                         drowned                    drowned
            start                             started                        started
            agree                          agreed                        agreed
            cry                               cried                           cried
            lose                             lost                              lost
            stand                          stood                          stood

Give one word for the following:

  1. A person who behaves in a way that lacks intelligence            foolish
  2. To have same opinion as somebody                                         agree
  3. Having a large distance from top to bottom                               high
  4. From one side to the other                                                        across
  5. A person who leads a group of people                                      leader
  6. A feeling of great happiness                                                       joy
Read the statements given below and write ‘true’ or ‘false’:

  1. One of the wise men was drowned into the river.                      [false]
  2. The wise men were really foolish.                                              [true]
  3. The villager was a fool.                                                               [false]
  4. One of the wise men counted six.                                               [false]
  5. The leader of the wise men said, “The missing man is back with us now, so let’s go back to our homes.”                                                   [false]

Answer the following questions:

  1. Why did all the Wise Men began to/ started crying cry?
Ans- All the Wise Men began to cry because they thought that one of them is drowned.

  1. What reason did the leader of the Wise Men think and say?
Ans- The leader of the Wise Men said that they have lost one man because their journey was started on wrong day.

  1. Why did all the wise men count five?
Ans- All the wise men counted five because they did not count themselves.

  1. Who saw them and counted six?
Ans- A villager saw them and counted six.

  1. What did the leader of the wise men tell and decide at last?
Ans- The leader of the wise men told that the missing man was back. At last he decided to go on the journey.

Who said these words and to whom:


One of the wise men
“Are we all safe?”
Other wise men
Fourth wise men
“We are only five, what shall we do?”
Other wise men
Leader of the wise men
“We started on our journey on a bad day so we lost one of us.”
Other wise men
“Aren’t you going on your journey?”
Wise men
Leader of the wise men
“The missing man is back with us now, so let’s go on our journey.”
Wise men

Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the past form of the verbs given in brackets:

  1. The six wise men went on a journey. (go)
  2. They swam across the river. (swim)
  3. Each one of the wise men counted only the others. (count)
  4. We started on our journey on a bad day. (start)
  5. One of the Wise Men drowned into the river. (down)
  6. All sat down on the bank and cried. (sit, cry)

Join the following sentences as shown in the example:
(a)  I have three brothers.
(b)  One lives in Mumbai.
Ans- On of my brothers lives in Mumbai.

(a)  I have three uncles.
(b)  One lives in England.
Ans- One of my three uncles lives in England.

(a)  There are thirty one boys, but only thirty seats.
(b)  One boy sits on the floor.
Ans- One of the thirty one boys sits on the floor.

(a)  There are five bangles on her hand.
(b)  One is green bangle.
Ans- One of the five bangles in her hand is green.

(a)  There are four chairs in my room.
(b)  One is missing.
Ans- One of the four chairs is missing from my room.

(c)  There are forty teachers in the school.
(d)  Only one is a woman.
Ans- One of the forty teachers is a woman in the school.

The town of Rampur had a very good school. What things were there in the school?
Find out from the following table and write down the sentences:

a big playground.
a blackboard in every classroom.
a desk for every pupil.
a library with 2000 books in it.
a number of teachers.
two big rooms for the teachers.
one thousand students.
a number of peons.

1.    There was a big playground.
2.    There was a blackboard in every classroom.
3.    There was a desk for every pupil.
4.    There was a library with 2000 books in it.
5.    There were a number of teachers.
6.    There were two big rooms for the teachers.
7.    There were one thousand students.
8.    There were a number of peons.


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