Class-6 Science, Chapter-16 Garbage In, Gabage Out, Aditional exercises with solutions in line with NCERT book / CBSE Syllabus

Chapter 16
Garbage in, Garbage out
Exercises from textbook
Additional Exercises
Tables from Textbook
Additional Exercises

Choose the correct answer:
1-    Which of the following is a non-biodegradable waste
a.    Broken plastic toy (√)
b.    Pencil shavings
c.     Leaves and twigs
d.    Food waste
2-    Which of the following is not a non-biodegradable waste
a.    Aluminium foil
b.    Toffee wrapper
c.     Fruit peel (√)
d.    Broken glassware
3-    Which of the following is not true in case of plastic materials:
a.    They are water proof
b.    They are light weight and durable
c.     They can be recycled
d.    They are biodegradable (√)
4-    Which of the following is not to be done to reduce plastic waste:
a.    Carrying a cloth bag
b.    Using steel bottles
c.     Insisting shopkeeper to give plastic bags (√)
d.    Carrying our own cutlery in bag
Science Class-7

Fill in the blanks with suitable words:
1-    The roting and conversion of some materials into manure is called composting.
2-    The method of preparing compost help of red worms is called vermicomposting.
3-    All kind of plastics give out harmful gases, upon heating or burning which may cause problems including cancer.

Match the column:
Landfill area
Paper can be recycled
 converted into a park
Red worms are useful for
Composed is made from dry leaves
We can reduce the use of chemical fertilizers if
to get useful products.

Landfill area
 converted into a park
Paper can be recycled
 to get useful products.
Red worms are useful for
We can reduce the use of chemical fertilizers if
Composed is made from dry leaves

State whether the following statements are True or False:

1-    We should carry a cloth bag asking for polythene bag for purchases.          (True)
2-    Polythene bags and plastics do not rot.                                                         (True)
3-    Plastics can be converted into less harmful substances by the process of composting.            
4-    We need to generate less waste and find ways of dealing with the increasing amount of garbage in our surroundings.                                                                        (True)

Give one word for the following:

(a)  Area where the garbage collected from a city or town is dumped.
(b)  In plant and animal waste including that from kitchen into manure.
(c)   The method of making compost from kitchen garbage using red worms

Answer the following questions:

Q. List a few things use that are made of plastics
Ans- Following are few things that are made of plastic:
Toys, Shoes, Bags, Pens, Combs, Toothbrushes, Buckets, Bottles, Water pipes

Q. Write a short note on red worms.
Ans- Red worms are used for vermicomposting. Red worms have a structure called gizzard which helps them in grinding their food. Red worms do not have teeth. Red worms do not survive in very hot or very cold surrounding. Red worms need moisture around them.

Q. Differentiate between the blue bin and green bin.
Blue Bin
Green Bin
The blue bin is for materials that can be used again chase plastics metals and glass
The green bins are for collecting kitchen and other plant or animal wastes.

These materials that do not rot in the garbage heaps.

These materials rot completely when buried in the soil.

Q. Why should you not use salt, pickles, oil, vinegar, meat and milk preparation food for red worms while vermicomposting?
Ans- We should not use food that contain salt, pickles, oil, vinegar meat and milk preparation food for red worms while vermicomposting. If we put these things in the pit, disease causing small organisms start growing in the pit.

Q. How do the plastic bags cause flood like situation?
Ans- Plastic bags thrown away carelessly on roads and other places get into drains and sewer system. As a result, drains get choked and the water spills on the roads. During heavy rains, this might create a flood like situation.

Give reason. Why?

Q. Food packed in plastic bags that are not approved for the purpose, should not be consumed.
Ans- Consuming food packed in plastic bags that are not approved for the purpose, could be harmful to our health.

Q. Plastic bags are a threat to the life of stray animals.
Ans-People often fill garbage in plastic bags and then throw it away. When stray animals look for food in these bags, they end up swallowing these. Sometimes, they die due to this.

Q. Dry leaves and crop plants after harvesting should not be burnt?
Ans-Dry leaves, crop plants after harvesting produces smoke and gases that are harmful to our health. These waste could be converted into useful compost.

Exercises from Textbook
1.(a) Which kind of garbage is not converted into compost by the red worms?
Ans- Plastic waste is not converted into compost by the red worms .

1. (b) Have you seen any other organism besides red worms in your pit? if yes, try to find out their names.

2. Discuss
(a) Is garbage disposal the responsibility only of the government?
Ans- No, garbage disposal can not be sole responsibility of government alone. Citizens need to reduce production of garbage and recycle wherever possible. We can deal our kitchen waste by making compost for gardening. 

(b) Is it possible to reduce the problems relating to disposal of garbage?
Ans- Problems relating to disposal of garbage can be reduced by taking measures like:
1- Minimize use of plastic bags.
2- Reuse plastic bags whenever possible.
3- Carry cloth bag for purchasing.
4- Do not throw garbage in plastic bags.
5- Use vermicomposting to deal with kitchen waste.
6- Recycle paper.
7- Use both side of paper to write.
8- Use slate for rough work.

3. (a) What do you do with the leftover food at home?
Ans- In my family there is hardly any leftover food. Whenever we have leftover food, we use it for making compost.

(b) If you and your friends are given the choice of eating in a plastic plate or a banana leaf platter at a party, which one would you prefer and why?
We would prefer to eat in Banana Leaf platter at a party because of the following reasons:

1 - We should minimize the use of plastic because plastic can not be decomposed. Dealing with plastic waste is the major problem that municipalities are facing.
2- Banana leaves are rich in antioxidants that are absorbed by our food. This prevents many life style diseases.
3- Banana leaves also have anti-bacterial properties.

4.(a) Collect pieces of different kinds of paper. Find out which of these can be recycled.
Ans- All pieces of paper can be recycled except the one which have shiny or laminated surface.
(b) With the help of a lens, look at the pieces of paper you collected for the above question. Do you see any difference in material of recycled paper and a new sheet of paper?
Recycled Paper
New Sheet of Paper
Recycled paper does not have very smooth surface.
New sheet of paper has a very smooth surface.
Recycled paper does not have a clear cutting.
New sheet of paper has clear cutting.

5. (a) Collect different kinds of packaging material. What was the purpose for which each one was used? Discuss in groups.
Type of packing material
Purpose / Use
Soda bottle, food containers, egg tray etc.
Canned goods, animal food etc.
Most products are packed in cardboard boxes.
Bubble wrap or foam
Bubble wrap or foam are used to pack fragile materials and anything that ahs sharp edges
Glass jars and bottle used to pack pickles, peppers, jam, honey, alcoholic beverages etc.

(b) Give an example in which packaging could have been reduced?
Ans- Some e-commerce sites send grocery in carton boxes fitted with air-bags. The grocery can be also be delivered in reusable crates at our doorstep.
(c) Write a story on how packaging increases the amount of garbage.
Ans- We wrap birthday gifts and return gifts of parties in nice shiny papers. These papers are not reused and thrown away carelessly. This generates significant amount of garbage.
6. Do you think it is better to use compost instead of chemical fertilizers? Why?
Ans- Yes, it is better to use compost instead of chemical fertilizers because of following reasons:
1-    Compost make nutrient-rich environment in soil.
2-    By using compost, we reuse our garbage.
3-    Fertilizers make the soil acidic.
4-    Fertilizers are costly while compost is cost free.


Activities for dealing with garbage
1-    Collect old and discarded objects and material like glass bottles, plastic bottles, coconut husk, full, bed sheets, greeting cards and any other thing. Can you make something useful out of these instead of throwing them? Try.
2-    Prepare a detailed project report on compost making activity you did in school.

A matter of concern!
In autumn lots of leaves are burnt in cities like Delhi. Some of the gases produced by burning leaves are similar to the gas is released by the vehicles moving on the roads.

Instead of burning, if we make compost from these leaves, we can reduce the use of chemical fertilizers.

The green areas which should have fresh air, actually become full of harmful gases due to burning of leaves.

Find anyone is burning the leaves bring it to notice of municipal authorities or right to newspapers about it.

Generate social pressure against burning of leaves. Ensure that fallen leaves are not but but used for making compost.

Write to the 'tree authority' of your city or state to declare burning of leaves as an offence.


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